What is an Allergy?

An allergy is an abnormal immune reaction to an otherwise harmless substance such as pollen or foods. It is caused by the development of an IgE antibody.  The reaction is usually immediate and may vary from mild to severe.


What you tell us, " the history",  is really important in diagnosing allergy, so we will ask a lot of questions and listen carefully to your story.

Allergy tests

Skin prick testing (see skin prick test patient information section) introduces a tiny amount of allergen into the skin, causing a small, localised allergic response: a wheal (bump) and flare (redness).  

A blood test can also be taken test for specific IgE to the suspected allergen. 

An allergy "challenge test" may also be undertaken to a food or drug if the history and/ or testing are inconclusive or if it is suspected that a person is no longer allergic. Challenge testing is undertaken in our day ward.