Patients can be referred to this service by their GP or hospital doctor.

Referrals can be made via written correspondence, email correspondence or the NICER e-triage system. Dental referrals are accepted for local anesthetic and other related drug allergy queries.

Written referrals should be addressed to:

The Immunology department

Elliot Dynes Building

Royal Victoria Hospital

Grosvenor Rd


BT12 6BA.

All referrals are triaged by Immunology consultant staff. 

Based on referral information, Immunology consultant staff direct patients to the most appropriate pathway:

  • Clinical advice

  • Clinical advice pending an appointment

  • Outpatient appointment (see outpatient section for the range of clinics offered)

    Referrals are graded urgent or routine based on the information available in the referral. Referred individuals 14 years old or older are deemed adults as per BHSCT policy.